Wheat Yield Winners Announced

A central Kansas farmer says even he
was a shocked at how much wheat he harvested this year.
Tom Austin of Minneapolis won this year’s Kansas Wheat Yield
contest after harvesting 104.82 bushels per acre.
The 41-year-old Austin stated that he was expecting a harvest in the
mid-60s to mid-70s. He says his yields never came close to that in
the eight years he’s been farming. The yield was certified by Code
Rensink, an extension agent in Minneapolis.
Austin’s yield far exceeded the other regional winners. James
Kesler of Sabetha, won the eastern region with 61.34 bushels per
acre. And Chuck Downey of St. Francis, recorded a 61.76 bushel per
acre yield.
Winners will be honored Sept. 15 at the Kansas State Fair.