Anyone interested in veteranź??s programs and in expanding availability of the programs in southwest Kansas is invited to attend a presentation at noon on Friday, June 26, at the Mid-America Air Museum, 2000 W. Second Street, Liberal. The PowerPoint presentation by Major Robert K. Stinson, with the Kansas National Guard Office of the Adjutant General, will cover all the more than 20 veteran’s assistance programs currently available in Kansas.
ź??Weź??re interested in increasing the availability of these programs in our area,ź?ť said Ed Poley, ź??and establishing a one-stop site that will enable veterans to easily access those programs. We are going to need broad community support to make this possible and this is a great way for people to learn about whatź??s available to our veterans.ź?ť
The program is open to the public and attendees are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch with them. For more information, contact the Seward County United Way at 624-5400 or Poley at 482-3431.