Veterans Panel To Hear Mental Health Issues

Mental health providers and agencies for
veterans in Kansas say an increase in mental health issues is
causing more veterans to commit suicide.
The House Veterans, Military and Homeland Security Committee
heard Tuesday that funding reductions are making it difficult to
meet the needs of veterans with mental health issues.
Sheli Sweeney, of the Kansas Association of Community Mental
Health Associations, says Mental health providers and agencies for
veterans in Kansas say an increase in mental health issues is
causing more veterans to commit suicide.
The House Veterans, Military and Homeland Security Committee
heard Tuesday that funding reductions are making it difficult to
meet the needs of veterans with mental health issues.
Sheli Sweeney, of the Kansas Association of Community Mental
Health Associations, says veterans and their families often must
wait for services if they aren’t facing an immediate crisis.
She says the mental wounds caused by service in Iraq or
Afghanistan not only affect returning soldiers but also their
spouses, children, employers and communities.

She says the mental wounds caused by service in Iraq or
Afghanistan not only affect returning soldiers but also their
spouses, children, employers and communities.