Liberal School District USD 480 Is hosting a New Teacher Information Fair Thursday, August 6,2015
5:30-7:00 p.m. Cottonwood Commons Area (1100 W. 11th)
USD 480 will be hosting an information fair on August 6th to provide community businesses the opportunity to share information about their services with approximately 70-80 potential clients. Participating businesses will be provided a table to meet with new teachers and display their information.
Register at
Businesses are invited to help sponsor this event. Benefits of sponsoring this event:
Sponsorship will assist in providing each teacher with a Chamber of Commerce gift certificate.
Sponsors will be advertised during the fair.
Media recognition for sponsors of the fair.
Submit sponsorship check to USD 480 by July 24, 2015
Contact Information: Lana Evans at 604-1016 or [email protected]
Adrienne Chaloupek at 604-1026 or [email protected]