USD 480 To Begin Enrollment


Due to construction and renovations at our school buildings, district-wide
Kindergarten through 8th grade enrollment for the 17-18 year will take place at the SEWARD COUNTY ACTIVITY CENTER on the following dates:
Tuesday, August 8th 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, August 9th 8:00 am -12:00 noon

What to Bring:
● The INFOSNAP Electronic Registration agreement: Parents/guardians should complete the online registration form ahead of time and bring the printed and signed “Agreement” form to enrollment. The link to the online registration was sent via mail and/or email in mid-June, and is also available on the website (clink the link to go directly to the page INFOSNAP Student Registration). You will need the “snapcode” included in the email to complete registration online.

● Two forms of address verification, such as a utility bill and other correspondence with the physical address, will be required at enrollment.

There is no need to arrive early and stand in line. Due to the construction and reconfiguration of new schools, there are ample slots for students at their neighborhood schools. Please enter the south doors at the activity center. Exit will be from the west doors to the parking lot.

LHS Enrollment will held in the LHS Cafeteria (please enter the SOUTHWEST entrance – door #3):
​Monday, August 7th​​​12th grade​​​8:00- 12:00
​​​​​​new 12th grade​​1:00-4:00

Tuesday, August 8th ​​​11th grade​​​8:00- 12:00
​​​​​​new 11th grade​​1:00-4:00

Wednesday, August 9th​​10th grade​​​8:00- 12:00
​​​​​new 10th grade​​1:00-4:00

Thursday, August 10th ​​9th grade​​​8:00-12:00
​​​​​new 9th grade​​​1:00-4:00

Friday, August 11th ​​​make-ups​​​8:00-4:00

Enrollment fees for 17-18:
PreK-6th grade – $35
7th & 8th grade – $90
9th-12th grade – depends on schedule

If you are unable to pay the entire amount, payment plan agreements can be made at enrollment.