USD 480 is pleased to announce the 2018
Teacher of the Year nominations are now being accepted. The links to both the English and Spanish version of the nomination form are located on the home page.
One teacher from each schools is selected annually for the USD 480 Teacher of the Year in their respective building. The following is a list of guidelines that you may use when deciding to nominate a teacher:
• Five years of accredited experience in any school (
for eligibility in the KTOY program)
• Participation in building, district, and community activities
• Continuous self-improvement and learning (not simply coursework)
• Continuous reading and reflection
• Mentoring
• Community outreach
• Exceptionally skilled, dedicated, and an inspiration to all
• Is respected by colleagues, students, and parents
Teachers may be nominated for this award by administrators, colleagues, parents, students, other community members, and the teacher him/herself.
Spanish nomination form:
English nomination form:

Nominations will be accepted February 20th through March 9th. Winners will be announced in late March.