USD 480 School Board Passes Per Diem Travel Policy

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday night for a regularly scheduled meeting at the Education Service Center.

The board on a third try was able to come to an agreement on a per diem for district travel. The per diem gives district employees a limit of $38 per day for meals if the trip is in state. If the trip is out of state the employee will receive a max amount of $45 per day. The agreement states that the person traveling will be given their meal allowance before they leave on their trip. If the conference, hotel, or event the district employee attends provides a meal, the employee will not receive money for that meal. Also, alcohol is not to be purchased with per diem money. The full policy is available on

The board also approved the bills and the consent agenda, which included surplus property, two overnight trips for students, the waiver of a rental building fee, and receiving of a gift.

New business action items approved included the renewal of the Cisco contract, the amendment of Board Policy JHCAA Bullying, Title 1 SES Contracts, the retirement of Julia Thompson, the employment of a certified employee, and classified employment/resignations/transfers.

The board will next meet on Monday, November 23.