USD 480 Purchases Two Activity Buses

It was a busy night for the USD 480 school board.  The school met until late Monday night.  The board approved the purchase of two activity buses.  The buses are 2011 MCI buses with 200-thousand miles on them but are million mile buses.  The district traded two 1988 buses so the purchase price was 570 thousand dollars.

The board passed a resolution to refinance a portion of the 2014 school bond over the life of the bond to save the district over $1,162,624.  Over the life of the bond, the district can continue to refinance the bond for more savings.

The district purchased new carpet for new schools at MacArthur and Meadowlark for $203,862.  They purchases new computers as part of the bond for MacArthur, Meadowlark, and Seymore Rogers Middle School for $316,632.  The district approved purchase for furniture at Seymore Rogers, MacArthur, Meadowlark, Cottonwood, and Sunflower for $1,341,316.

The board also approved a three year contract for auditing firm Hay Rice and Associates.