USD 480/Satanta/Rolla Postpones School


USD 480

SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2020

In order to give state officials time to coordinate efforts surrounding COVID 19 illness, KSDE is strongly recommending all school districts close from March 16-20. Our local board of education approved the closure of the district. Therefore, ALL USD 480 schools/buildings will be closed.

Grab and go meals will be available in various locations around time beginning, TUESDAY, March 17th. Locations will be posted on our website, Facebook and Twitter

From USD 507 Superintendent Mike Ward:
Good Evening. As we have previously shared with you, USD 507 administration has remained up to date on CDC, KDHE and local health professionals recommendations. The situation is ever changing and evolving at a very rapid pace. This evening, the Kansas Department of Education recommended that all Kansas Schools be closed next week, from 3-16-2020 through 3-20-2020. Closing all schools will allow Kansas health experts an opportunity to evaluate the situation and develop a state-wide plan for when the majority of Kansas schools return from spring break on March 23. With this announcement, they stated there should be no spring practice either. So at this time, all district school activities for this week are cancelled. Administration will continue to keep you informed as we get more information from state officials.

The education of Kansas students is important not only to our local communities, but also to our state leadership. This decision was not entered into lightly. However, the health and safety of our children and community as a whole is extremely important. We are taking these steps to minimize exposure and spread of an illness. These measures will only be effective if parents keep students at home isolated from other children. Please use this time to keep your children at home and minimize their risk of infection.

Due to the recommendations from the Kansas Department of Education and the Governor’s Office, USD 217 Rolla, KS schools will be closed through March 20.