The USD 480 Board of Education met and after approving the Consent Agenda, approved several New Business items.
Approved was the audit by Hay, Rice, and Associates of USD 480 with a few corrective actions. Also approved was Policy Revisions and the 2021-2022 School Calandar was reviewed and discussed.
Copy paper was approved by the Board to purchase of 8400 reams of copy paper from Contract Paper Group in the amount of $21,336.
IMA has been approved by USD 480 as the District has used IMA for the past 6 years as the health insurance consultant. Last year USD 480 requested bids for this service and IMA was the low bid. The fee for 2021 is the same as last year. Their annual fee is $50,000 per year.
Several Early Graduation requests were approved by the Board. Students who complete all state and local graduation requirements may make application to graduate early.
Those include:
LHS Students requesting early graduation:
Tamara Alonso
Oscar Amparan
Laura Fabiola Arguijo
Jennifer Bocardo-Covarrubias
Pete Camargo
Emily Carrillo
Aly Chanez
Jordan Corona
Giselle Cruz
Jennifer Cue Cortes
Sophia Enriquez
Kaylah Estes
Caitlin Gilmore
Chandler Hinton
Briseiola Morino
Erick Mariscal
Edith Monge
Kristina Pittman
Andrew Portillo
Natalie Rodriguez-Escobar
Angela Salinas
Maddyson Schwindt
Martasiah Terry
Melanie VIlla