USD 480 Meets Approves Capital Outlay Resolution Change

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and accepted several donations. Included in the donations were:
$59,000.00 from National Beef
$38,000.00 from Blue Cross/Blue Shield
$6,000 from Learning Tree at Greenbush
$5,045.00 from Toot N Totum and
$100.00 from KSCB Radio.

The Board approved the insurance renewal from Al Shank Insurance in the amount of $918,821. This includes property, Liability, workcomp, auto and misc.

The Board also approved the adoption of a Capital Outlay resolution for USD 480 to allow the board to use Capital Outlay funds for:
Computer software, operating system upgrades, maintenance
Filters (air, fuel)
Repairs to equipment
Repairs to vehicles
Salaries for maintenance of district property and equipment (includes custodians, bus mechanics, and others)
Acquisition and maintenance of uniforms: Band, Pep Band, Athletic, Theatrical, etc.
Upkeep of grounds, streets

Currently, USD 480 cannot use Capital Outlay for these items because a resolution has not been adopted after May 1, 2014.
At this time USD 480 does not plan on using a capital outlay mill levy in future budgets but this will allow the district the authority if needed and this would have to be approved by the Board of Education when the budget is adopted.  The main reason for the adoption of this resolution is to allow additional spending authority of Capital Outlay funds.

The USD 480 Board also approved the Alio support in the amount of $61,388.41 , renewed the annual software and service licenses in the amount of $144,097.32 and the invoice from School Dude in the amount of $14,408.28.

Sanitizing machines were also approved from Pur-O-Zone in the amount of $24,465.00 as were floor mats from Pur-O-Zone in the amount of $36,225.64.

Gym floor refinishing was also approved at the meeting with Kansas Gym Floors in the amount of $25,122.00

Floors to be refinished include:
-East Campus
-Cottonwood Elementary
-Eisenhower Middle School
-Sunflower Elementary
-Seymour Rogers Middle School
-Prairie View Elementary
-MacArthur Elementary

Kansas Gym Floors will also sand, paint and finish the big gym floor at LHS in the amount of $25,900.00. The Board of Ed also approved Change Order #1 for Sunflower and Cottonwood Kitchen remodels in the amount of $38,237.50 and voted to allow District Administration to approve additional change orders for this project up to $20,000 each.

A Grant Writer position was discussed and the Board approved:

All district/building administrators and supervisors (resignations through June 8th excluded)
All professional staff tied to the negotiated agreement (resignations received through June 8th and non-renewals excluded)
All 12 month classified staff unless notified by June 30th (resignations received through June 8th excluded)
All 9 month classified staff unless notified by August 7th (resignations received through June 9th excluded)