The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and approved the request for new Band uniforms. Approved in the bid was 160 jackets, bib pants, shako, plume and hanger. Fruhauf Uniforms was awarded the bid in the amount of – $64,998.40 with a 4% discount if payment is made when order is placed making total $62,398.46.
The Board also approved the annual membership to the KASB for $12,403.21.Approved with the membership is the KASB season pass – $1,500 and legal assistance – $2,100. The season pass allows staff and board members to attend workshops at no additional cost. Last year the cost was $16,053.80.
Copiers were approved for Cottonwood, Sunflower, and Eisenhower from Southern Office Supply. The price per copier is $10,835 for a 75 page copier with finisher. The total cost of the purchase is $32,505.
Johnson Controls was awarded the bid in the amount of $47,111.00 to furnish and integrate lockdown pull stations at Bright Start, Sunflower, Cottonwood, Prairie View, Meadowlark, MacArthur, Seymour Rogers, Eisenhower and LHS.
The Board approved the quote from Hellas in the amount of $16,000 to clean and restripe the track at Redskin Field, and approved for Powerschool Ecollect, the license, subscription, training, and setup fees of $8,990.16 for April 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 and the annual subscription, maintenance, and support fees of $9,988.00 for July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
USD 480 also approved the application to wave 2019-2020 attendance requirements in order to receive exemption from KSA 72-3115 (1116 hours for all students and 1086 hours for seniors).