Effective July 13th, USD 480 is providing the following guidance regarding wearing face coverings based on current conditions and recommendations from KDHE, Seward County Health Department and KSHSAA. We will continue to review and monitor guidance and will revise as conditions change. Face coverings can be manufactured or home made face coverings, cloths, gaiters or other CDC recommended coverings.
Student Athletics/Conditioning
-Face coverings should be worn by participants in any organized sports activity anytime participants are around others and unable to maintain 6’ distancing. Per CDC guidelines, individuals who are engaged in high intensity activities, like running, may not be able to wear a face covering if it causes difficulty breathing. Face coverings should not be worn during activities that cause the face covering to become wet. Coaches are encouraged to consider alternate activities if adequate physical distancing cannot be maintained in the absence of the participant wearing a face covering. All non-participants in workout activities such as coaches, staff and non-participating students should wear a face covering at all times when around others and 6’ physical distancing cannot be maintained.
USD 480 Facilities
USD 480 staff and visitors shall wear face coverings under the following circumstances:
-Working or walking through common areas
-Employees in a room or enclosed area where other people are present and unable to maintain 6’ spacing
-All visitors will need to wear a face covering upon entering a USD 480 facility