The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening with the 2020-2021 Budget before them. The Board approved the new budget with a mill levy of 51.199 which reflects a drop in the mills over last years levy of 51.424.
The Board approved the contract for the transfer of the property on Pine Street to the City and purchase Lots 1,2,3 and 12, Block 8, Airport Industrial Park for $39,700 and approved the Remote Learning Assurances.
An additional Bus Driver position was approved by the Board of Education. This will be a nine month position. The additional position will allow the Districts to reduce a 90 passenger route to two 45 passenger routes, as well as gain additional flexibility during activities and trips.
Also approved was the Microsoft Renewal in the amount of $54,928.12.
The Board removed the students and athletic insurance from the table and it was approved.
The USD 480 Academy Handbook was approved by the Board. The USD 480 Academy is to provide a pathway to a high school diploma for students who are at risk of dropout or not completing credits in a timely manner. The USD 480 Academy will also serve the students who are placed in FOCUS for disciplinary reasons. The staff at USD 480 Academy will work with each student to develop a learning plan tailored for that student. Instruction is provided through the Edgenuity online curriculum and meets the graduation requirements at Liberal High School.
New Title IX regulations go into effect on August 14, 2020. The regulations require three appointments: Coordinator, Investigator, Decision Maker.
Resolution –Title I Coordinator has been revised to meet the new requirements and nwas approved by the Board.
The student sexual harassment policy may also need to be amended as a result of the new regulations. The Board’s Attorney is working on the policy.
USD 480 approved the Memorandum Of Understanding for SPARKS funds between USD 480 and Seward County