The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening, and after approving Consent Agenda items, tackled new business. The Board approved the quote from Sports Connection in the amount of $16,873.80 for new soccer goals for Eisenhower and Seymour Rogers Middle Schools. The existing goals have sharp edges on the bottom of the goals which could damage the turf fields.
The Board also approved the 178 day calendar for 2024-25.
Also approved was the hiring of a School Psychologist Position beginning the 2024-2025 school year, and a Para Psychologist position as well.
Teachers have reviewed and selected Reveal math textbooks by McGraw Hill Education. The Curriculum Committee has reviewed this adoption and approved the adoption and purchase of the textbooks at their January meeting. The Board of Education then approved the adoption and purchase of 6th-12th grade math textbooks at Mondays meeting.
The Board approved the new state graduation requirements starting with the class of 2028.