USD 480 Board of Education Approves Boundry Changes

The USD 480 Board of Education met in regular session Monday evening and recognized the March Teacher of the Month Olivia Flores, a 5th grade teacher at Prairie View teacher, and heard about the recent collaboration and mentoring occurring at Sunflower Elementary between kindergarten and 3rd grade students.  Sarah Foreman and Kay Burtzloff, LACF representatives, updated the BOE on the BCBS Community Wellness grant and its potential impact on USD 480 schools and students.  LHS staff members also discussed the Kansans Can Redesign project and the preparations underway for implementation beginning in August.


In new business, the BOE approved the proposed boundary changes after significant work by school and community members, a public forum, and online surveys.  The changes will provide a long-term solution to overcrowding and ensure similar enrollment at all district schools beginning with the 18-19 school year. Staff professional development, resources, and changes to course offerings at the secondary schools was also approved.