USD 480 Board Meets, Welcomes New Board Members

The USD 480 Board of Education welcomed new members Alan Brown and Matt Durler to their first meeting by joining Cottonwood students in a “workout”. Students demonstrated how heart monitors collect real time data, promote student engagement, and increase physical activity. Mrs. Tammi Eckert, preK teacher at Bright Start, was recognized by the Chamber of Commerce and USD 480 as the December Teacher of the Month.

In other business, the board heard a report on the district’s AVID implementation, approved a contract with IMA health insurance consulting, and transferred $2 million back to the Bond and Interest Fund. During the recent refinance of the bonds, this $2 million was used to determine if USD 480 could reduce the term by five years.

A bid for the demolition of Garfield Elementary was approved from G & G Dozer in the amount of $177,000, and to accept bids that will begin the demolition process of Lincoln Elementary. The BOE also agreed to explore the development of a 5-year lease with the Western Kansas Children Advocacy Center (WKCAC) at the former Washington Elementary site, pending legal counsel review and approval of both boards.