The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and appointed as Sarah Foreman President and Stewart Cauble as Vice President. The Board also accepted the Retirement of Superintendent Renae Hickert effective June 30th and Cindy Jones Bright Start Principal effective July 1, 2021.
The Board approved a Sunday matinee of the fall musical. The fall musical was originally scheduled for November, but has been postponed until January 31st. All COVID protocol and guidelines would be followed for this event.
LHS got the approval for a new English credit recovery course as part of a credit recovery system that will be piloted this spring. The Mastery Outcomes Pathways to Success (MOPS) course is designed to be a recovery system where students would no longer have to retake an entire course.
The Board approved the renewal of Zonar Fleet Management to provide the following on all district vehicles: -Real time GPS data, location, speed, direction, etc. -Engine alerts and bus health; overheating, low battery, error codes, etc. -Route tracking, when and where a stop was made, how long we were there, etc. Cost to the district would be the same as in 2020, $37,512.00.
Board Policy revisions and the 2021-2022 School Calendar was approved as was a contract with Johnson Controls. Proposed is for Johnson Controls to develop a 5 year Preventive Services Agreement for district wide HVAC equipment maintenance and repairs.
A Middle School Girls Wrestling Coachwas also on the agenda for the Board to consider and was approved. The Middle school wrestling assistant supplemental salary is currently $2173.