The USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday evening at 6:30pm and due to the increase of vocational classes offered at Liberal High School in the 2021/2022 school year, the Vocational Fund needs to be republished.
The Board approved the purchase and implementation of Action Based Labs for MacArthur Elementary in the amount of $99,001, and approved the proposal from Architect One in the amount of $46,500 for a new entry addition for Bright Start Early Learning Center.
Also approved was the 3 year bid from Goalbook Toolkit for the amount of $22,253.00 for each of the next three school years. Goalbook Toolkit improves student outcomes by increasing teacher effectiveness and efficiency throughout the special education process. It is an online solution that builds teacher capacity to develop higher-quality IEPS and implement them with more specially designed instruction.
The Board approved the implementation and purchase of Tripod Surveys for 2022-2023 in the amount of $37,825. The Tripod Surveys provide USD 480 with support to monitor SEL competency, family engagement, student perception and teacher perception.
Approved were the AVID annual fees for products and services in the amount of $23,618. This is for the Middle Schools and funding came from a donation. The Board also approved Handbook changes for the upcoming school year. KAGAN professional learning for 2022-2023 in the amount of $62,936 was also approved.
The NWEA MAP Growth Assessments in the amount of $41,600 were approved and the NWEA MAP Accelerator Math Intervention in the amount of $12,000 was also approved.
The Board of Ed approved to renew annual software and service licenses in the amount of $176,188.75, approved the professional development quote from JCasas and Associates in the amount of $35,000, and approved the professional development for assessment of student progress provided by JCasas and Associates in the amount of $36,000.
The Board also approved Resolution 05-23-22 allows USD 480 to enter into a lease purchase agreement for equipment and improvements which includes multipurpose turf activity fields at both
middle schools and repairing the water infiltration problem at the Liberal High School
auditorium with the following Timeline:
May 23, 2022 Adopt resolution stating intent to enter into lease
June 6, 2022 Determine projects and select bank for lease purchase
June 27, 2022 Adopt resolution for lease purchase agreement
July 20, 2022 Closing of lease purchase agreement