USD 480 Board Meets for Regular Meeting

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at 6:30pm. In new business, the Board approved the NWEA MAP assessments for the 2021-22 school year in the amount of $40, 500. NWEA is the host company that Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments.

The Board also approved the Unified Insights Powered by Hoonuit Platform quote in the amount of $54,541.25 with an annual cost of $22,737.50 after June 30, 2022. This is a data warehouse to address all components of the District’s information management plan.

Approved was the MTSS and leadership support proposals from Jimmy Casas and Associates in the amount of $33,400.  This plan will effectively address learning loss and take other actions to address the impact of COVID-19 on students and families per the guidelines of the Kansas State Department of Education. The plan includes using a multi-tier system of supports (MTSS) framework for academic learning loss, social-emotional learning, mental health, and post-secondary preparedness.

USD 480 has solicited bids to purchase one 10 passenger van, three 8 passenger SUV’s and two half ton pickups. Approved at the meeting were the bids from Don Hatton Chevrolet (pickup), Foss Ford (Van) and Shawnee Mission Ford (SUV) in the amount of $199,984.00.

The BOE approved the bid from Kansas Gym Floors in the amount of $17,487.00. This will refinish the  gym floors at LHS, the big gym, LHS East Campus, SRMS and EMS.

Due to a catastrophic blower failure on the 600 Hall rooftop HVAC unit at Cottonwood Elementary, USD 480 has obtained a quote from Johnson Controls to furnish and install a temporary HVAC unit to ensure a comfortable learning environment.  After consulting with the Board President, district staff authorized Johnson Controls to move forward with arranging the procurement and delivery of the unit and issued a Purchase Order on April 28th.  The unit was installed on May 5th. The Board approved payment in the amount of $16,641.00.  Replacement parts for the failed unit have been on order and are expected to arrive late May/early June.  Parts and labor for the repair are covered under warranty.

USD 480 approved the bid from Scantlin’s Furniture, Flooring America and Furniture Outlet and Brown’s Furniture in the amount of $269,686.85 to replace approximately 50,000 sq ft of carpet at Liberal High School, and approved the bid from Mid Continental Restoration in the amount of $113,961.00 and the purchase of materials from The Garland Company in the amount of $20,605.00 to replace expansion joint, window and door sealant at LHS, Sunflower and Cottonwood.  This project will only encompass the building joints.