USD 480 Board Meets, Approves New Courses

For their regularly scheduled meeting, the Liberal USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at 5:30pm.

Among the items before the Board, was the Escrow Account Agreement with the City of Liberal. The Board approved the agreement with the City agreeing to First National Bank to be the Escrow Account Holder.

Also approved were the transfer of funds as per the Memorandum of Understanding with the City.

USD 480 is considering a lease agreement with Headstart to utilize space in what will be the new Early Learning Center, now known as Southlawn. The lease agreement, if approved, will start this summer.

Two new courses were also approved at Monday’s meeting. They will be offered at the High School and are Sports Marketing and Audio/Video Production Fundamentals.

The Board of Education also approved early dismissal for LHS on April 7 for a home track meet.