USD 480 Board Meets Approves Ipads for Special Education

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and approved the Zonar Fleet Management. This provides the following on all district vehicles:

-Real time GPS data, location, speed, direction, etc.

-Engine alerts and bus health; overheating, low battery, error codes, etc.

-Route tracking, when and where a stop was made, how long we were there, etc. Total cost is $37,716.00

The Board approved 30 Ipadsfor Special Education Dept to be purchased with their ESSER funding at a cost of $15,838.50.
Also the Board approved to hire Don Witzke with Landmark Realty as the real estate agent for 425 S Pennsylvania Ave. RML9 Investments Inc. has offered $150,000 for the property, however the Board voted to make a counter offer of $300,000 for 413 & 425 S Pennsylvania.