USD 480 Board Meets Approves Ipad Purchase for Bright Start

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at Seymour Rogers Middle School and after approving the consent agenda, approved Resolution M as presented

USD 480 utilizes Linq for food services point of sale system, application processing, inventory, production records, menu planning, etc. at the meeting The Board approved the invoice from Linq in the amount of $20,633.75. This reflects a 6% increase over the previous year.

The Board of Education approved the bid from Rine Exterminating in the amount of $18,985.00 for pest control services for the 2024-25 school year, and approved the Sign Language Contract with Robert Loredo in Special Education.

Approved also was the purchase of 40 iPads from Apple in the amount of $14,320.00 for Bright Start Early Learning Center.The iPads at BrightStart were purchased in 2015 and no longer run the applications needed by staff.

Enrollment packets were also approved for the high school.