USD 480 Board Meets, Approves Gym Floor Refinishing

The USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday evening at 6:30 pm at the East Campus. In new business, the Board approved gym floor refinishing at Liberal High School, East Campus, Eisenhower Middle School, and Seymour Rogers Middle School. Kansas Gym Floor was awarded the bid in the amount of $18,100.

Approved was the quote from Convergint Technologies in the amount of $17,011.93 to furnish and install the access control panel and card readers to implement the district’s access control system at the Operations Center. USD 480 will furnish and install all wiring and door hardware.

Also the Board approved the purchase of 445 – 86″ ClearTouch IFPs and 25 stands in the amount of $1,889,541.95 from KCAV. The 86″ ClearTouch Interactive Flat Panel will replace the majority of projectors in the district. The IFPs will come with a 7-year warranty. The District will create a rotation schedule for these. This project has been approved through both ESSER II and III.