USD 480 Board Meets, Approves District Goals

The USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday at the East Campus at 6:30 pm. In new business, the Board approved the District Goals for 2022-2027 as presented, and approved the Education Elements Statement of Work in the amount of $157,600 for FY 2024 and $157,600 for FY 2025. Education Elements will provide professional development and support for staff, building leadership, and district leadership to implement and sustain a common instructional model across the district. The three-year project addresses the recommendations for improvement from the KSDE Accreditation Review Council and the USD 480 needs assessment. The recommendations include the following:
1. A district-wide instructional model to improve grade-level instruction and transition of students
2. Improve student achievement
3. Improve school attendance

The Board also approved the bid from Jessie Bryer in the amount of $16,700.00 to perform asphalt parking lot maintenance at Sunflower Elementary, which shall consist of crack cleaning, filling, and sealing of the entire parking lot.

In purchase requests, the Board approved the purchase of a 53-passenger yellow bus with a wheelchair lift, price not to exceed $135,000.00, and approved the purchase of two Ford Explorers and one Chevy Traverse in an amount not to exceed $115,000 for all three vehicles.