The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and after approving the consent Agenda which included the Scholarship Banquet date of April 26th, Early Graduates, acceptance of Gifts among other items, approved the Western Athletic Conference logo agreement.
The Board also approved a bi-directional amplification system to support emergency communications throughout the LHS campus from Mobile Radio Service, Inc. in the amount of $282,312.90, and approved the bid from American Bus sales in the amount of $350,000 to purchase an Activity Bus.
Also approved was the payment applications from Hellas Construction in the amount of $1,046,665.44. The Board approved the quote from Tyler Technologies in the amount of $70,377 and Verizon Wireless in the amount of $12,564 for a replacement for the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system and approved the quote from Pro-Vision in the amount of $82,230.07 to replace the on bus camera system for the districts bus fleet.
The USD 480 Board approved an interim teacher pay scale that incentivizes education level and enrollment in a teacher certification pathway, and approved funding to support USD 480 employees in teacher certification programs, not to exceed $300,000 per year. The level of funding for each year is contingent on the availability of funds and the number of open teaching positions.