USD 480 Board Approves Purchase of Band Instruments

The USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday evening and after hearing about Good Things in the District, Reports from the LNEA, the Director of Business, and the Director of Operations, the Board approved the Consent Agenda which included: Employment/Retirement/Resignations/Transfersand the purchase of Band Equipment. The Board Approved the purchase of band instruments from Sparks Music in the amount of $47,730 using donated funds. Purchased were 6 Yamaha Full Size Marching Tubas @ $5,315 each and 6 Yamaha Euphoniums @ $2,640 for a total of $47,730.

As a reminder, “That” Liberal Band’s Annual Fish Fry is set for this Friday evening at 5:00 pm at the Seward County Activity Center.