USD 480 Board Approves Engineering Services

The USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday evening and approved the proposal from Earles Engineering in the amount of $78,800.00 for engineering design services to develop plans and specifications to replace the north parking lot at LHS. The design will be developed in such a manner that the project can be broken into multiple stages to allow for project completion over a few years if desired.

USD 480 solicited a proposal for professional consulting services to design, develop and provide project support for two new artificial turf fields, located at Eisenhower Middle School and Seymour Rogers Middle School. The Board approved the proposal from Sports Design Group in the amount of $75,780.

Also, the Board approved the Administration’s recommendation to approve the contract with KERMP in the amount of $543,431.32 for Property and Liability Coverage for the District for the 22/23 fiscal year.

Approved by the Board at the Monday evening meeting was the quote from CI Solutions in the amount of $19,695.18 for ID badges for the 22-23 school year for LHS, EMS and SRMS. Also included in the quote are two new badge printers to be utilized throughout the district, spare printing supplies, and blank card stock.