The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at 6:30 pm and after hearing an update on KAP Data approved the quote from Southern Office Supply in the amount of $66,215.00 to furnish and install rolling bookshelves for the LHS Library renovation.
The Board also approved the Student Accident Insurance for $85,486 with Al Shank Insurance. This covers students while they are participating in school or USD 480 related activities and when they are participating as a member of a team in intramural, club or interscholastic sports activities sponsored and supervised by USD 480.
Also approved by the Board was the Employee Handbook for the 24-25 School Year and the Microsoft Renewal in the amount of $57,005.42.
The Board approved the Contract with ERI on a contingency fee basis, and approved the Federal Programs Consulting Contract in the amount of $25,000.00.
Worker’s Comp Insurance was approved at a cost of $228,713 which includes a loyalty discount of $25,413.
After Executive Sessions, the Board approved Classified and Administration Raises