USD 480 Board Approves Chromebook Purchase

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at 6:30pm and voted to accept the offer from Custom Construction LLC for 624 N Grant of $150,000 with a closing date of May 31, 2021.

The Board approved moving LHS back to the Flex Mod schedule beginning March 1st.

The agenda item regarding the Streaming of the Board of Education meetings was tabled, and the Board approved the purchase of 1416 Arhangel Chromebooks for the District  in the amount of $551,087.68.

The Board voted to renew Unified Talent (Talent Ed) in the amount of $13,983.20 to align it with the other PowerSchool renewals.

The Board of Education also authorized the new interest rate average of  1.67% for the refinancing of the Districts bonds which results in a savings of $5,779,808.49 which due to the increase in rate the savings was less than anticipated of $6,312,326.