USD 480 Board Approved 10 New Courses for Liberal High School

Joe Denoyer - October 23, 2023 7:26 pm

USD 480

The USD 480 Board of Education met at East Campus Monday evening and in New Business, approved to purchase a Hustler Super 104 mower for the grounds department from Keating Tractor and Equipment in the amount of $25,000.

The Board approved the Inventory and Ticketing Software Renewal in the amount of $35,585.04 for 3 years, and approved 10 new courses for Liberal High School. The courses approved are: Media and Public Relations, Banking and Finance, Work Experience in A&C, World Civ II, Ag Internship, Agriscience, Animal Science, Equine Science, Intro to Agriculture, and Small Animal Care. All ten courses were approved by the Curriculum Committee on Oct. 5, 2023.

The Board also heard the first reading for board policies BDA, CEC, DB, and DC. The policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and legal counsel.

The Board also approved Board members Kathy Fitzgerald and Stewart Cauble to the Calendar Committee.

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