USD 480 Approves Training Programs

The USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday evening at 6:30 pm at East Campus and approved the subscription with Crisis Prevention Institute for use of their professional development program “Reframing Behavior” for 2024-2025. Cost of the program is $18,000.00. The Board also approved the training for USD 480 staff members to receive Crisis Prevention Institute’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training to be able to train staff in Emergency Safety Interventions. The cost of this training is $13,047.00.

WebKIDSS was approved by the Board and is the IEP Management system for USD 480. This program helps case managers write IEPs for students throughout the year. In addition, WebKIDSS also stores files for students with 504 plans and SIT plans. Cost of the system is $10, 197.70.

USD 480 currently has 10 Nurse positions with one being funded by the ESSER grant. As the ESSER grant is ending, the District has found that the additional nursing position brings considerable value to the district. The Board’s approved to fund the additional nurse’s position from the General Fund at an approximate annual cost of $68,500.

Also approved was the quote from Water City Power Washing in the amount of $10,500 to provide cleaning services of the bleachers at Redskin Field.

USD 480 had solicited quotes to purchase used portable and mobile radios to be utilized throughout the district. These radios would be utilized for day to day operations throughout the buildings, facilities and buses. They will also be used for emergency communications with Liberal Communications. The Board approved the purchase from First Wireless, Inc. in the amount of $19,125.00.

The Board also approved the Science of Reading Professional Learning for $12,100 during the 24-25 school year.