U.S.D. 480 Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on February 5th and 6th. School staff will contact you if a conference will be scheduled for your child. If you are not contacted by the school but would like to meet with your child’s teacher, you may call to schedule a conference for your child. Contact your school if you have additional questions.
Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule
Thursday, February 5th
7:45 A.M. – 3:25 P.M.
PreKindergarten – Grade 6
4:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
PreKindergarten – Grade 8
6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Liberal High School
There will be no school for PreKindergarten-Grade 6 on February 5th.
The middle schools and Liberal High School will have school on February 5th.
Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule
Friday, February 6th
7:45 A.M. – 11:15 A.M.
PreKindergarten – Grade 12
There is no school on February 6th.