The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and Seward County Health Department (SCHD) adopted new guidelines for isolation and quarantine for Covid-19 cases and exposures. District health staff and Seward County Health Department staff met and outlined the following changes in practice for USD480. USD480 nurses will continue to have daily communication with Seward County Health Department nurses regarding Covid-19. Please read for information on some of the most relevant changes.
Beginning January 17, 2022 all of USD 480 will be required to wear masks while in any building. For all school activities, USD 480 will follow the guidelines set forth by KSHSAA.
SCHD will be setting aside a specific time window for USD480 staff and students to go to their testing site at 712 N. Western Ave (old Neighborhood Wal-Mart building), when test supplies become available in an attempt to limit the wait time. Testing materials have been in short supply; therefore, testing has been limited. More information regarding this testing program will be sent this week.
Current guidance states a full vaccination series for those 18 and over includes the completed primary series plus the booster when eligible. SCHD stated that because we are currently in an emergency state, they are currently accepting the 2 dose series of mRNA vaccine or the single dose Johnson and Johnson as a full series for now. Please make plans to get your booster as your schedule allows.
Any person within 6 feet of a positive Covid-19 case for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period. EXCEPTION–students in K-12 classroom setting or a structured outdoor setting where mask use is observed. If BOTH parties wore well-fitting masks the entire time they are excluded.
Any person having contact with the person’s respiratory secretions.
Any person living with or staying overnight for at least one night in a house with the person.
The final discretion on what constitutes close contact is made at the discretion of public health.
SUSCEPTIBLE CLOSE CONTACT: These are the individuals who should quarantine.
—-Individuals of any age who are not fully vaccinated and have no record of any previous
Covid-19 infection in the past 90 days.
Staff and families are expected to notify the school nurse of any known positive cases or known exposures. Once someone receives confirmation of a positive Covid-19 test, they begin a period of isolation.
Positive cases must have a release letter from SCHD health department or their local health department to return to school or work. This remains consistent with previous USD480 guidelines.
ISOLATION: Applies to people with positive Covid-19 tests regardless of symptoms. It also applies to those with symptoms of Covid-19 who are awaiting test results or have not been tested. During isolation, the positive case must remain at home for 5 days. Home isolation can end on day 6 IF fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and symptoms are resolving. It is then followed by 5 days of consistent and correct masking when around others.
DAYS 1-5: remain in the home
DAYS 6-10: If released by the health department, the person can attend
work/school with continuous wearing of a well-fitted mask.
Based on what is known about the incubation period for Covid-19 the recommended quarantine period is 14 days after exposure. However, CDC and KDHE adopted shortened quarantine periods based on when a person is most likely to develop disease.
People identified as susceptible close contacts are advised to follow quarantine guidelines. District nurses will be in contact with individuals in quarantine regarding their date of return to work or class.
For Household (HH) contact– total of 10 days in the home followed by 5 days of continuously wearing a well-fitted mask when around others.
DAY ZERO: Test day of the positive person. Isolation and quarantine begin.
DAY 1-5: Positive person in isolation. HH contact remains in home in
quarantine. All count as zero days for HH contact due to continued
exposure to a positive case.
DAY 6-10: positive person can leave the home wearing a well-fitted mask
When around others (as long as released by HD) HH contact
remains in quarantine.
DAY 11-15: HH contact can leave the home wearing a well-fitted mask while
while around others..
Exposure Non-Household contact– total of 10 days past last exposure to the positive person.
DAY ZERO: day of last contact with the positive case
DAY 1-5: Remain in the home and monitor for symptoms of Covid-19.
DAY 6-10: may leave the home (attend school or work) while wearing a
well-fitted mask when around others.
This is a highlight of the relevant information. If you would like more details, please access the websites for the CDC, KDHE or Seward County Health Department for links to Covid-19 documents or contact your school nurse.