U.S. Labor Department Cites White’s Foodliner For Child Labor Violations

Whiteź??s King Co. Inc., doing business as Whiteź??s Foodliner, a grocery store with locations in Kingman, Hugoton and Goddard, Kan., has paid $34,535 in civil money penalties for violations of the Fair Labor Standards Actź??s (FLSA) child labor provisions.

The investigations, conducted by the U.S. Department of Laborź??s Wage and Hour Division, also cited the company for violations of the FLSAź??s recordkeeping and overtime provisions, and restored $811 in back wages to one employee.

Specifically, four minors regularly worked past 7 p.m. and/or more than three hours on school days as well as more than eight hours on nonschool days. Three minor employees operated motor vehicles to make deliveries during work hours and 18 minors regularly loaded and/or operated paper balers, both of which are work activities prohibited under the Labor Departmentź??s hazardous occupations standards for minors.

The overtime violation occurred when the employer failed to pay time and one-half the employeeź??s regular rate for hours over 40 worked at home, and these hours were not properly recorded.