Tyrone’s Bell Steps Down as Football Coach

For Immediate Release:
Tyrone High School has announced that Josh Bell will be resigning as head football coach.

Bell has been at the helm of the Bobcat football program for 19 years.
He arrived in 2003. He finishes with a 92-99 overall record for the Bobcats with the last 6 years reflecting a 56-14 mark. Since 2016 the Bobcats have won 3 District Championships, played in 4 state semifinal games and won the school’s first state championship in 60 years in 2020.

“ The support I have received over the years from the community, parents, administration, staff members, coaches of both football and all other activities and players has been appreciated. It has been a wonderful opportunity to have worked with such great young men and I look forward to seeing the successes of what we accomplished through our football program. Those successes will be shown in what kind citizens, husbands, fathers etc… they become over the next 10, 20, 30 years from now. The last 19 years of Bobcat Football have brought me so many amazing memories and I am truly thankful for that. However, the next four years will have all of my attention as my daughter enters high school. As a father, I want to support her dreams and aspirations just like I did for my sons. I will continue to help and support our football team but just in a different role.”

The next football coach at Tyrone will be no stranger. A 2013 graduate of Tyrone, Payson Slater has accepted the offer to be the next coach of the Bobcats. Slater will officially take over upon board approval at the March meeting.

“Firstly, I would just like to congratulate Coach Bell on a long and successful football coaching career. While many people have contributed to the success of the football program over the years, the work started in the early 2000’s when Coach Bell laid the groundwork for years to come. Having been able to play for him and now coach under him, it’s easy to see why our football program has been so successful. Not just on the field, but in molding great young men. It’s a humbling experience when someone like that asks you to replace him as football coach. It’s truly a blessing and I look forward to continuing to learn from Coach Bell, as well as Coach Banning and Coach Witt, and continuing to push our program forward. Go Cats!”

Tyrone Public Schools would like to thank Mr. Bell for his devotion to our student athletes for the last 19 years. He has put his all into building a very successful program. His constant presence on the sideline will be missed but he has laid the foundation for a successful future.