Tyrone Fire Department To Host Fundraising Dinner

The Tyrone Fire Department will be having a fundraiser luncheon this Sunday, November 22nd at the Tyrone School Cafeteria. 100% of proceeds of this luncheon will go to the Valadez-Castro family, to assist with medical and travel expenses.

Seven Children were involved in a one vehicle rollover Monday after school, six were ejected. Those six ejected were all siblings, one unrelated child was uninjured. Five of the children suffered major injury and two have been flown to Wichita this morning. All are currently in stable condition.

Chili and stew will be served starting at 12:00 noon on Sunday, and continue until it’s gone. If you would like to donate to the family but can not attend or would like to help with the luncheon, you may contact Fire Chief Anthony Adams @ 580-522-1060, or Fire Captain Josh Bell @ 580-461-3634 or Asst Chief Cody Pickering 620-655-4692