On Saturday March 28th, Tyrone Fire Department hosted a vehicle extrication and pumper/tanker training day. Tyrone Firefighters were joined by Turpin and Baker Fire departments. Former Seward County Fire Chief Mike Rice was on hand to instruct the sessions.
Firefighters were able to learn and refresh skills associated with extricating victims from auto collisions as well as methods of drafting from tankers and portable tanks with pumper trucks.
Turpin and Tyrone departments have both acquired newer pumper trucks and extrication equipment in the past couple of years, this training day was the first in an effort to plan together in how best to use the pumpers while fighting fire together. This was the third day Turpin and Tyrone departments practiced extrication in the past year as Turpin Fire Department hosted two extrication trainings last year. Tyrone Fire Department appreciates T-B towing of rural Turpin for supplying vehicles to practice on.