Classes have been canceled at Tyrone Public Schools for Monday, January 29, due to a large number of students being absent with the flu and strep.
School officials are going to spend the time sanitizing the building and try to prevent or restrict the flu outbreak.
Because pandemic flu is easily spread from person-to-person, it is unsafe for large groups of people to gather and children should stay home. The purpose of student dismissals is to decrease contact among children in order to decrease their risk of getting sick and to limit the spread of infection.
During this time, children and adults should stay away from other people and groups, as much as possible.
Parents can help protect their children and prevent the spread of pandemic flu as they would colds and other flu by taking extra precautions.
If your child has been absent due to any illness they must be fever free for 24 hours before they can return to school. A student that has been absent for illness will be checked for fever when they return. If fever is noted they will be sent home.
The basketball game scheduled for Monday at Felt will still be played and the bus will leave the school at 1:30p.m.
Classes will resume Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at normal time.