Tuesday’s Middle School Results

Yesterday the EMX XC team hosted a meet out at Arkalon and performed very
All four teams took 1st place!

Seventh grade girls team top 5 finishers were: Yulianna Hernandez 17th,
Andrea Rivas 13th, Ashlynd Winchell 10th (first time medalist) , Ava
Maxwell 5th, and running in for the individual and team champion of the
meet was Hallie West 1st!

Seventh grade boys team top 5 finishers were: Isiah Jenkins 21st, Hudson
Brown 18th, Gideon Wright 6th, Anthony Castilleja 3rd, and Josiah Perez

Eighth grade girls win by just 2 points with the top 5 finishers being:
Pamela Bolivar 22nd, Joceline Hernandez 12th, Ashley Carrillo 11th, Helena
Combs 7th, and Jacqueline Hernandez 5th.

Eighth grade boys team top 5 finishers were: Christian Rojas 25th, Philip
Harp 16th, Carson Gilmore 9th (first time medalist), Coby Tran 7th, and
Logan Miller 4th!

The team would like to give a big shout out to all the staff members who
came out to support us as well as the high school team who managed to cheer
us on as they practiced.

Next up we travel to Hays on Tuesday September 12th.

Brandi Fowler