Tree Pruning Workshops Being Held in Sublette and Liberal

Two free tree and shrub pruning workshops will be held in Sublette and Liberal March 23 and 24, sponsored by K-State Research and Extension.
The first workshop will be held Wednesday, March 23 at 6:30 p.m. in Sublette in the Commercial Building on the Haskell County fairgrounds, 500 S. Fairgrounds Road.
The second meeting will be held Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. in Liberal at the Seward County 4-H Building, 1081 Stadium Ave.
Both meetings will discuss Kansas State University’s recommendations to homeowners for pruning their own trees and shrubs. Topics of discussion will focus on specific plant structure problems to address with pruning, where and how to make the cuts, specific recommendations for pruning evergreen trees and flowering shrubs, as well as proper equipment selection.
Participants will have an opportunity to look at examples of tree branches with structure problems and see how pruning can correct those problems. Handouts will be available for attendees to take home as a guide.
Both of these workshops are free to the public. If possible, participants are asked to RSVP to the Wild West District Extension office in Hugoton at 620-544-4359, however, walk-ins are welcome.