Three LHS Students Named CTE Scholars

Liberal High would like to announce and congratulate three (3) Liberal High School seniors on being named 2022 Kansas CTE Scholars by Kansas Department of Education. The threes CTE Scholars are, Emma Evans, Brady Kappelmann, and Kevin Ruiz! These seniors were among the 140 Kansas seniors recognized for being well-rounded CTE students.

The Kansas CTE Scholar program is an opportunity to recognize well-rounded outstanding CTE students who are finishing their senior year of high school. This is the fourth year for the initiative.

Students must be a high school senior and meet the following criteria to be selected as a scholar:
Have earned or presently enrolled in 3.0 or more CTE credits with verification of technical skill attainment.
Senior-level status.
Have a CTE Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or better in CTE coursework.
Civic engagement or 100 community service hours with verification letter.
Work-place experience. These experiences can include school-based experiences, internships, clinicals, supervised agricultural experiences, community-based or student-led businesses located on or off the school campus. The experiences should reflect the career interests of the candidate and industry expectations. A minimum of 80 hours of experience is expected prior to submission.
Career vision summary statement. This is a short reflection of a candidate’s personal career vision and future plans. A maximum of 175 words is allowed.

Congratulations to these these amazing students!