The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and after a presentation, adopted new fee structures throughout the City. Commissioners also after a recent work session, discussed the way the City will handle and spend ARPA Funds. Individual items will be brought before the Commission beginning in July.
Commissioners approved the purchase of CIC Software, in an amount not to exceed $180,000, for the Finance Department, and approved the bid from Southwest Roofing, LLC in the amount of $134,479.00 for repairs to the Grier House Roof. The Kansas Historical Society awarded a grant for repairs at the Grier House in the amount of $90,000 with matching funds of at least $90,000 from the City.
The Commission took no action on replacing a 200′ section of fence at the airport that needs to be repaired. This will go back for bids. The Commissioners approved Municipal Court to purchase a Used 2018 Ford Explorer XLT, from Foss Motor Company in the amount of $34,000.00. The vehicle has 43,882 miles on it.
The City Commission also authorized the City Manager and Fire Chief to enter into a contract with Rosenbauer for the RMN King Cobra Aerial Ladder Truck in the amount of $1,440,002.00 with funding for this purchase to be made from equipment reserves and other possible financing options.