Texas County Municipal Candidate Filings Set to Begin Wednesday April 8th

Candidates for municipal office in 4 Texas County municipalities may file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. Wednesday, April 8th 2020.
Sierra Martinez, Secretary of the County Election Board, said the filing period ends at 5 p.m. Friday, April 10th. You can pick up a packet @ Texas County Election Board We are closed to the public at this time please call 580-338-7644 and let us know you would like to pick up a packet you can also download from the State Election Board website www.elections.ok.gov. Also filing will be by appointment this year due to COVID-19 So if you plan on filing please call to set up a time.
Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the County Election Board office for the indicated offices for each of the following municipalities:
County Clerk
County Court Clerk
County Commissioner District 2
County Sheriff
The municipal offices at stake in Texas County will be filled in the Primary election scheduled June , 30,2020.