SWMC Auxiliary Volunteers Donate Patient Lifts, Monitors, and More

·  provided by Southwest Medical Center

     Several new donations made by Southwest Medical Center volunteers are helping team members deliver excellent care for patients admitted to Southwest Medical Center.

     In addition to infant sleep sacks donated in 2018, additional purchases made recently total more than $45,000 in patient care equipment. These equipment purchases include two vital sign monitors, a bladder scanner, and four patient lifts.

     After sustained growth in patient admissions, Southwest Medical Center expanded the Medical-Surgical unit onto the third floor of the hospital, adding additional staffing, available beds, and equipment needed for patient care. This newly reopened floor received a vital sign monitor, bladder scanner, and a patient lift to assist in fulfilling the equipment needs for the new care unit.

     Vital sign monitors are heavily used for recording pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and more. Bladder scanners are utilized in many situations, and can help determine whether a person is emptying their bladder completely. Use of this device can determine whether a catheter must be placed for patients.

    In recent years, the SWMC Auxiliary has purchased two patient lifts, which are utilized in the Emergency Department and Wound Care Center. These lifts are designed to improve patient safety and comfort by facilitating the move of patients, whether it is from bed to bed, bed to chair, or bed to standing position. Southwest Medical Center Vice-President of Patient Care Services, Robin Allaman, RN, says staff across the facility are thankful for the purchase of these lifts.

     “Our team understands that the use of patient lifts is the best standard of care for our patients, so they were excited to demo these products and select equipment that was most safe and practical for moving patients,” Allaman said. She added that, “These lifts help team members moving our patients to avoid lifting and strains that can occur when moving patients of all sizes. Our Auxiliary has been gracious in providing a gift that helps patients as well as our team.”

     Funds used to purchase these special patient care items were provided from sale proceeds at the Southwest Medical Center Auxiliary Gift Shop, which is located inside the main entrance of Southwest Medical Center. Volunteers offer gifts, jewelry, home decor, apparel, snacks, and many more items for sale.

     The Southwest Medical Center Auxiliary welcomes new members of all ages to join. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the SWMC Auxiliary Gift Shop at (620) 629-6899.