Stoney Leads LHS Girls at DC

Freshman Tierra Stoney continues to improve placing 4th at this tournament. She pushed the 2nd and 3rd place girls to the very end. At one point at the scorer’s table, Tierra was playing for 1st and 2nd because three girls had tied for 1st in their pool. Recalculated winning percentages went the other way, but Tierra continues to improve. An opponent who defeated her earlier this year 8-2 was pushed the 6-5 before taking 3rd Place. While one Redskin showed improvement, the team as a whole was stagnant.

Individual Results:

#1 Singles–Stephanie Sanchez went 1-3
#2 Singles–Tierra Stoney went 2-2
#1 Doubles–Marina Arenivas/Kathy Hernandez went 1-3
#2 Doubles–Kylie Evans/Marissa Rodriguez went 0-4

Liberal goes to Scott City Monday.