Special Olympics Torch Run Makes It’s Way Through Liberal

The Law Enforcement Torch Run began it’s trek across Kansas Saturday morning May 22nd at 8:00am. The torch returned to Liberal in 2009 after an almost 10 year absnce and was a tremendous inspiration for the local athletes. The goal of the LETR is to continue this tradition and support its continued growth. On Saturday May 22nd the torch was met at the Oklahoma state line by officers of the Liberal police Department and the Seward County Sheriff’s Department. After a brief ceremony where the Kansas Torch was lit by Vice-Mayor Joe Denoyer. The runners headed north on Kansas Avenue escorted by local law enforcement officers. The Liberal leg of the LETR ended at Seward County Community College. Running the Torch was Run organizer Tony Brown and his daughter Brianna. The torch then made it’s way to Garden City, Cimmarron, Dodge City, Greensburg, and eventually Wichita, where the 2010 Special Olympic Summer Games will take place June the 4th and 5th.