Southwest Kansas Chambers Of Commerce Host Alliance Retreat

The Southwest Kansas Chambers Of Commerce hosted a Southwest Kansas Alliance Development Session and Planning Retreat Thursday morning at 10:00am at the Rock Island Depot.Over 60 Local and State leaders from all over the Southwest Kansas Region were in attendance for the 2 hour session. Representatives, Senators, Mayors, Commissioners, and Chamber executives met with several objectives on the agenda. The meeting, facilitated by experts from Wichita State University, started of by first defining the purpose of forming a Southwest Kansas Alliance, basically defining who we are. The discussion then moved to the roles in achieving the identified purpose of the alliance, what the alliance does. The group then identified regional opportunities for the alliance to initially focus its attention, before moving on to the next step of identifying the responsibilities for developing an organizational structure to the alliance and its ongoing sustainability. Executive Director of Liberals Chamber of Commerce, Rozelle Webb was very pleased with the turnout and stated the next step was for the Southwest Kansas Chambers Board to attend a REAP meeting in Wichita and see what they are doing as a Regional Alliance. The Southwest Kansas Chambers of Commerce have tenatively set up another Southwest Kansas Alliance meeting for August the 8th in Garden City