SMS and LHS AYP Scores Show Significant Improvement

The 2010 Preliminary State Assessment Results were released by USD 480 on Monday. The district showed improvement overall in both Reading and Math. The district went from 67.5 in 2009 to 75.6 in 2010. In Math the number went up from 64.6 to 69.6.

The biggest gains came from South Middle School and Liberal High School. South improved by nearly 17 points in Reading and 27.5 points in Math. LHS gained 13.8 points in Reading, and 23.3 points in Math.

MacArthur and McDermott Elementary schools did the best overall nearly acing both subjects. MacArthur scored a 97.6 in Reading and a 100 in Math. McDermott scored a 100 in Reading, and a 96.6 in Math.

Sunflower Intermediate School also improved in both subjects gaining nearly ten points in Reading and nearly nine in Math.