LIBERAL, Kan. – Following a successful fall season that led to two Saints going to the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) Championships, the Seward County men and women’s team proved that they are capable of competing with anybody.
Five Saints were ranked in the Top 25 of Region III in the Oracle/ITA NJCAA Rankings. The top two Saints doubles teams were ranked in the Top 3, while another was ranked in the Top 10. On the women’s side, four Lady Saints were ranked in the Top 25 for singles play, while their top two doubles teams were ranked in the top 5.
Nicholas Rousset (# 1), Duro Opacic (# 2), and Tim Lamare (# 4) all ranked in the Top 5 for men’s singles in Region III. Hugo Lobo (# 14) and Claudio Quinones (# 24) rounded out the Top 25. In the Doubles rankings, the teams of Rousett/Lamare (# 2) and Opacic/Ben Finet (# 3) were ranked in the Top 3, while the team of Lobo/Quinones (# 7) was also ranked in the Top 10.
Patricia Panta (# 1), Maria Aveiga (# 3), and Alena Macharova (# 9) each reached the Top 10 for the women, while Steffany Bermudez (# 23) was also ranked in the Top 25. The top two doubles teams for the Lady Saints – Panta/Bermudez (# 1) and Aveiga/Macharova (# 4) – were rewarded with Top 5 rankings.
Rank Player School
1 Patricia Panta Seward
2 Neus Torregrosa Barton
3 Maria Aveiga Seward
4 Biana Buie MS Gulf Coast
5 Tasha Dembo Cowley
6 Kristela Vidnere Cowley
7 Gyselle Daza Copiah-Lincoln
8 Mireia Jordan Jones
9 Alena Macharova Seward
10 Ksenija Dmitrovic Barton
11 Ariadna Jordan Jones County
12 Gabriela Gomez East Central
13 Margarita Lopareva MS Gulf Coast
14 Stefy Varon-Diaz Hinds
15 Julia McCarty Meridian
16 Aletta Macheli Cowley
17 Beth Owen Jones County
18 Kennedy Rodriguez Meridian
19 Carmen Manicea Copiah-Lincoln
20 Paula Gutierrez Hinds
21 Tatiana Quinonez East Central
22 Megan Bankston MS Gulf Coast
23 Steffany Bermudez Seward
24 Laura Rincon Arias Cowley
25 Katy Clark Copiah-Lincoln
Rank Player School
1 Nicolas Rousset Seward
2 Duro Opacic Seward
3 Bruno Suiama Cowley
4 Tim Lamare Seward
5 Sebastian Osorio Copiah Lincoln
6 Valter Oshiro Cowley
7 Juan Pablo Pinilla Copiah Lincoln
8 Lachlan Ivulich Meridian
9 Travis Bell Gulf Coast
10 Carlos Trujillo Hinds
11 Marcel Miasato Barton County
12 Noel Monsalve Jones County JC
13 Sam Mizzi East Central
14 Hugo Lobo Seward
15 Marko Puric Meridian
16 Austin Vos Gulf Coast
17 Killian Dagneaux Cowley
18 David Garcia-Perez Itawamba
19 Miguel Valle Barton County
20 Tom Langelear East Central
21 Ezra Blissard Itawamba
22 Mitar Milosavljevia Jones County JC
23 John Teague Murphy Gulf Coast
24 Claudio Quinones Seward
25 Wlayiner Jimenez Cowley
Rank Doubles Team School
1 Panta / Bermudez Seward
2 Torregrosa / Dmitrovic Barton
3 Dembo / Vidnere Cowley
4 Aveiga / Macharova Seward
5 Buie / Lopareva MS Gulf Coast
6 Daza / Manicea Copiah-Lincoln
7 McCarty / Rodriguez Meridian
8 Gomez / Quinonez East Central
9 Jordan / Jordan Jones
10 Rincon / Rodiguez Cowley
11 Cartmill / Groene Barton
12 Varon-Diaz / Gutierrez Hinds
13 Bankston / Lyons MS Gulf Coast
14 Owen / McLaurin Jones County
15 Lowery / Sollie Copiah-Lincoln
Rank Doubles Team School
1 Osorio / Pinilla Copiah Lincoln
2 Rousett / Lamara Seward
3 Opacic / Finet Seward
4 Suiama / Oshiro Cowley
5 Ivulich / Swindoll Meridian
6 Bell / Vos Gulf Coast
7 Lobo / Quinones Seward
8 Edwards / Dagneaux Cowley
9 Miasato / Diego Barton
10 Mizzi / Langlear East Central CC
11 Puric / Shinall Meridian
12 Monsalve/Milosavljevic Jones County JC
13 Garcia-Perez / Blissard Itawamba
14 Murphy / Rowell Gulf Coast
15 Valle / Peoples Barton
Ian Applegate